WLV Workshops with Tanisha Help Change Your Mindset to Lose Weight | WeightLossVillage
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Rule your mind or it will rule you.

Change your mindset with Tanisha

Visualize Yourself Thin in 15 Minutes

Have you struggled visualizing yourself at your ideal weight?  Sometimes the negative thoughts we give attention to are the ones preventing us from achieving our goals?  During this short, powerful 15 minute workshop you’ll learn how easy it is to visualize yourself thin.
tips to optimize the visual process and make your visions your reality.  Join Tanisha, visualize yourself thin, break the negative thinking cycles to improve your thoughts and yes!  soon be at your envisioned weight.

When You Bite it – You MUST Write It!

Too often we take a bite of this and a bite of that – we grab for a little of this or a little of that.   Everyone of those bites and grabs adds to your daily calorie intake.  Learn the importance of tracking calories, proper portion control and consuming the right calories to help you achieve and maintain your goal weight. Now in the age of computers you can put away your pen and pad. 

Gone are the days when you need to write your daily meals and calories down on paper. WeightLossVillage has cutting edge e-tools that let you keep track of what you eat, your workouts and your weight loss

Calories In – Calories Out
Are you one of the many who struggle with adding physical activity into your life this workshop is for you?  This workshop is a reminder of the importance of calories in – calories out and what effect that has on your weight loss and weight maintenance.  It is not important to exercise hours a day to achieve weight loss results. It is important that you manage what you eat with a exercise or physical fitness you enjoy as this will ensure a long term commitment and results to increase your energy, reduce the risk of health related disease and help you burn fat and calories and tone your body.  

Mindless Eating Be Gone

This not to be missed workshop is for everyone who eats mindlessly and/or emotionally.  Get ready to recognize the signs and learn how to ease these poor eating patterns.  Attend this workshop especially if you answer yes to either of these questions:  (1)  Do you struggle with emotional eating?  OR  (2) Do you turn to food to deal with your emotions or stress?  Start to recognize mindless noisy foods vs. mindful quiet foods and learn how to adapt ways of gaining control over mindless and emotional eating.


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Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

Sustainable weight loss starts here

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