Susan C. Lost 43 lbs. I am almost at my college weight. I never thought I’d see again.
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Personalized For You. Our weight loss solution becomes 100% yours to help you reach and then maintain your ideal weight.
Knowledge is Power. Get the right weapons. Be shown how to use them. Live your weight loss story.
Move It To Lose It. Calories in and calories out is key to weight loss and keeping it off.* Make it your priority to fit as little as 20-30 minutes a day, 3-4x’s per week of physical activity. Start slow with a 30 min. walk before breakfast. Find an activity you like, find a buddy and make it happen!
* More than 94% of participants who succeeded in their goals in the National Weight Control Registry increased their rate of physical activity (NWCR 2007).
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The Sure Way
To Your Ideal Weight
Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.
Kimberly Tessmer, Registered Dietitian
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Your Weight Loss
Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is what you eat and what you think.
Sustainable weight loss starts here