Start Now! Begin to see results one day earlier than if you wait to start tomorrow.
Why Weight Loss Village?
Our doctor approved weight loss solution is designed to have you look and feel your best. The clinically proven weight loss formulas use dietary guidelines acknowledged by the American Dietitian Association to make this your first step toward a healthier, slimmer you!
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The Best Gets Better
Cutting edge user-friendly interactive e-tools and features help keep you motivated to achieve your best results.
Why Weight Loss Village?
It’s the safe approach to weight loss that works
The program is used by medical & wellness organizations and nutritionists
Over 40 online meal plans.
Eat ‘normal’ foods to include many of the foods you’re probably already eating
Weekly menus 100% Personalized to your needs, goals and lifestyle
Amazing Mobile App let’s you take us with you wherever you go.
Change your mindset. Think positive, think thin and lose weight permanently
Make the rest of your life, the best of your life.
100% Personalized
The Sure Way
To Your Ideal Weight
Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.
Kimberly Tessmer, Registered Dietitian
Lose Weight
Completely Online
Cutting Edge Tools
Access Weight Loss Village 24/7. Easily track your calories, workouts and weight loss. Stay motivated.
Take us wherever you go.
Stop Sabotaging
Your Weight Loss
Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is what you eat and what you think.
Sustainable weight loss starts here