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Cultivate the root. The trees and branches will take care of themselves.

Workshops With Judith

Breakthrough Your Weight Loss Blocks

Too many diets with or without exercise routines may have helped you lose weight only for you to gain it all back + a few. The good news is that it is probably not your fault since you only took care of what you ate and how you moved… but there is more to losing weight.

This workshop will teach you how the WeightLossVillage program when blended with the Law of Attraction positive thinking will be a more effective more effective way to achieve your weight goals. What you think about and believe with inspired action (or lack of action) you bring about for yourself

Break Free From Food Cravings with EFT

Chocolate Cravings During this workshop you discover how to use this fun, effective and easy solution to break free from your food cravings using EFT (‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ also known as ‘Tapping’). 

Learn the location of the EFT meridian points and how gently tapping on them will have you quickly in control of cravings(*)during the workshop as well as the next time a food craving rears its ugly head. IF you’ve experienced a food craving you could not control – this workshop is for YOU!

(*) Please bring one food you crave the most to the workshop and experience the effectiveness of this empowering break free from food cravings technique.

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100% Personalized
The Sure Way
To Your Ideal Weight

Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.

Kimberly Tessmer,
Registered Dietitian

Eat Delicious Food

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Access Weight Loss Village 24/7.  Easily track your calories, workouts and weight loss. Stay motivated.

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Stop Sabotaging
Your Weight Loss

Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

Sustainable weight loss starts here

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Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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