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Don’t wait till you reach your goal to enjoy your body

Want to Lose Weight?  What Not to Do!
Author:  L. Grayson   Source:  WeightLossVillage   31 May 2013

Do you go into ‘obsessive’ drive when you start a weight loss program?  As tempting as it may be it is something to avoid.   An important alternative is to learn to relax and approach your weight loss journey in a healthy and reasonable pace.

Starving yourself or skipping meals
You may think you found the fast way to lose weight but it actually has the opposite effect.  It’s quick but it is not healthy and will not provide a long term solution.  When you don’t eat, skip meals and diet quite often you wind up decreasing your metabolism, your muscle mass and increasing your percentage of body fat.  This is a sure way to be get to yo-yo dieting mode – pounds up / pounds down and total frustration.  The weight comes off  but it will always return.

Rip-off ‘diet’ pills
We are bombarded by ads telling us how products found over the counter, on TV and online promising rapid weight loss.  They are not only unsafe and unregulated by the FDA, they don’t even work. They can also cause problems since many diet pill are loaded with caffeine, a natural substitute for caffeine and/or diuretics?  Quite often they can dehydrate you and throw your electrolytes off balance.

Excessive exercise
Have you heard the phrase … ‘everything in moderation’? This applies to exercise as well.  Extreme anything including exercise to lose weight can do more harm than good.  Exercise is an important part of your weight loss program but not when it is punishment or an alternative to bad eating habits AND not when it causes injuries, dehydration or electrolyte imbalance.  Moderate exercise is your friend and key for weight loss.  Plan on at least 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week.  Soon you commitment to moderate exercise coupled with a healthy diet and positive mind set will get you on track to lose weight–and keep it off. By the way exercise can include daily activities that gets you moving… housework, gardening, walking the dog, etc.

It is so not necessary to go to extreme measures to lose weight. WeightLossVillage offers a winning weight loss solution conveniently delivered online by experts.  Change your life for the better and enjoy sustainable weight loss.

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