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Your legs are not giving out, your head is giving up. Keep Going!

Teleseminars with Alissa

Partner with Your Body To Lose Weight
Join us for help letting go of ‘can’t do’ , ‘don’t have time’ or ‘too busy’ array of excuses that may be holding you back from adding meaningful movement into your schedule which can enhance your weight loss efforts when combined healthy eating and positive thinking. Learn to make a commitment to yourself by setting up regular appointments with yourself since this mission and goal to lose unwanted weight is for you.  This will help you to feel joy in your body throughout the day which creates positive actions and your desired positive results.

I am who I am dogBuild Confidence. Lose Unwanted Weight 

Can we take a lesson from this little  pup?   We hope so as we focus on your weight loss efforts and help you make changes in your life with confidence as you gain valuable insights on how to develop clear messages about yourself and your behavior.

Get ready to make some changes in your life when you gain mind/body/spirit confidence which can help you get the body you want. Learn how to shift from anxiety and frustration to calm, clear and purposeful choices when you have clear messages about healthy living, your body image and of course your food choices. Join us for this workshop to get helpful tools and simple strategies to achieve success with your weight loss and other areas of your life.

Appreciate & Love Yourself
Appreciate and celebrate yourself and your body with techniques to help you develop a friendship with yourself where you will like yourself just as you are  before, during and after your weight loss. Get clear about messages that take you off track while you learn to re-establish wise choices without denial or judgement of yourself. The little voice inside – your “inner wisdom” has the best answers for you. Discover how to ask and listen to this voice with confidence and self-love. Asking questions and creating strategies to navigate your choices with confidence is the focus of this workshop.

Ditch The Negative to Shift The Energy
Who of us can say they have not gotten caught up in our drama and reached for food that was too sweet, salty or fatty just because we were angry, fearful, worried or bored?   This workshop teaches you how to overcome this in the future.

Alissa starts by helping you to accept yourself and let go of negative energy holding you back from moving your life forward.  Start to switch this behavior and learn how three powerful techniques can help you let go, freeze negative energy and be at peace with yourself as you move toward weight loss success.

Personal Confidence Strategy 
There is no better time than now, today, this week at the latest to create your personal confidence strategy and to keep joyful and connected in life. Get ready to obtain the tools that will help you continue to align your mind, body and spirit long after you have achieved your goals including your weight loss goals. Life is a success journey.

Keep your eye on the prize of achieving your goal weight, one day at a time, one pound at a time, we can show you how.

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100% Personalized
The Sure Way
To Your Ideal Weight

Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.

Kimberly Tessmer,
Registered Dietitian

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Your Weight Loss

Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

Sustainable weight loss starts here

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Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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