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Never eat directly from a package – portion out your food first. You’ll eat less.

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* Thank you for your comments and suggestions.  We read each email and will get back to you as soon as possible.  The policy at Weight Loss Village is to provide general information that may help you further understand health related issues, however, we are not able to respond to your inquiries other than matters concerning site design and functionality and accounting.  Speak with a health care professional qualified to provide you medical advice, diagnosis and treatment.

(**) Lost in cyberspace.  Sometimes emails get lost or misplaced.  We suggest you check your junk or spam folder.   Be sure to add WeightLossVillage to your safe sender list (or whatever you need to do to keep us out of your junk or spam mail!) to further ensure you receive a response.

Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

Copyright 2012-2025 WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved.