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Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Meet Our Coaches


Training: Health and Nutrition.  Certified Health Coach, M SC (Econ) CEMS MIM. Graduate Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

Kirsi is on a mission to help you achieve your best emotional and physical health. She’ll share her wealth of training and knowledge on how to lose weight for good, reduce stress and feel more energetic.   Expert Member of Dr. Oz Sharecare community of top ranking health experts.

Workshops are designed to educate and support your efforts to weigh less and live more in your quest to reach your ideal weight and better health. You’ll be set on the right track to eat healthy and love yourself in the process.  Learn practical tools and practices to help you discover the joy of the journey. 


Training: Confidence Coach. Mind-Body Connection.  Embrace life listening to your inner self.

Alissa believes life is about laughing and learning to appreciate  each experience as a beautiful lesson to help one achieve successful living.   After years of experiencing feelings of disconnect and self-doubt Alissa now lives life with confidence and purpose which she will share with you in her workshops. .

Workshops are designed to help you build self-confidence as you learn simple and easy to remember techniques to support your weight loss and teach you how to shift your awareness from outside yourself to the inner self.  Use your imagination and creativity to reveal answers deep within you that guide you to develop innovative, fun and compassionate strategies for success.


Training: Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Advanced EFT Practitioner and Certified Life Coach.

Judith focuses on assisting you in breaking through to the successful self within, achieve your true potential and rapidly transforming the quality of your life. .

Workshops provide the tools and techniques necessary to help you achieve rapid results through a unique blend of Rapid Results Breakthrough Coaching and EFT,  Get empowered to break free from the negative emotional baggage underlying your unhealthy eating habits and achieve your ideal weight from quickly eliminating cravings to sky rocketing your confidence and self image, 


Training: Life Coach, Nutrition and Wellness Coach, Masters in Psychology

Tanisha holds a masters in Psychology and is a trained Wellness, Nutrition and Life Coach.  She specializes is practical ways to help you improve your physical and mental health and your wellness.

Workshops  provide you with healthy alternatives, to boost your esteem and provide tools that help you retrain your mind, body, and spirit on your ideal weight and wellness journey. Her diverse education and experience will inspire, motivate and help you move forward toward your goals.


We are interviewing qualified coaches specializing in Creative Visualization, Silva Life System, Law of Attraction as well as Registered Dieticians and Health Coaches and other health and weight related specialists.

Coach Requirements:   Coaches with the knowledge and experience to design workshops to help listeners overcome their food, weight, dieting,  emotion eating, yo-yo dieting and a poor body image.   Workshop are to empower listeners to move forward with powerful tools and a better understanding of what has been holding them back from achieving their desired weight loss success. 

Qualified individuals please send an email with your background and qualifications to

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Kimberly Tessmer,
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Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

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Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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