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Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

Diets Fail

Diets Alone Never Work

If diets alone worked 1 billion people around the globe would not be considered overweight and obese*.

You are not alone with your battles with the scale.

The Good News …  Weight loss need not be a struggle. 

Start by making a commitment you can keep.  Join WeightLossVillage – because it works.   You’ll soon see results and enjoy quick, effective and permanent weight loss.        Start today to look, feel and live better!

WeightLossVillage empowers you with tools and knowledge for you weight loss success.


 Nutrition:    our personalized 50 Online Registered Dietician designed meal plans, 13,000 food selections and 7 day suggested menu plans make meal planning for you and the entire family easy. NO special or boring food required.  The meals you prepare for yourself are ones the entire family can enjoy as well.


 Fitness:  it is important you burn more calories than you consume in any given day.  Exercise at the gym, in your home, take it outside and walk around your neighborhood or play a sport.  Ensure your success by finding an activity you enjoy, stick with it and track it on your program personal pages.


Goals & Motivation:   Our e-tools and program features will keep you motivated and help you reach your personal goals.  You will receive affirmations and motivational tips to cheer you on to victory.  We want you to be our next success story.


Balance:    Less stress and better sleep.  It is important to reduce or at least control stress and to get the proper amount of sleep. Stress and the lack of adequate sleep can often sabotage your weight loss efforts. Our helpful hints will aid you overcome these weight loss inhibitors.

Life is to be enjoyed.

Let us empower you with tools and knowledge to drop your unwanted weight, tone your body and get into the best shape you’ve been in years.  Reaching your personalized ideal weight goals no long means you have to suffer, feel guilty, hungry or deprived.

learn more

Take steps today to look better, feel better and live better at your ideal weight

Long term results start by making simple changes each day with a minimum 13 week commitment. This is the suggested time it takes to establish a healthy habit that can change your life.

 “Giving your body the right balance of nutrients is essential for healthy weight loss,” says Dr. Cederquist.
“Without an effective balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, your metabolism won’t burn excess stored fat. You will lose muscle mass and water weight instead.”

WeightLossVillage is a lifestyle – not another diet     

make the rest of your life, the best of your life right now!



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    The Sure Way
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    Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.

    Kimberly Tessmer,
    Registered Dietitian

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    Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

    Sustainable weight loss starts here

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    Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

    Copyright 2012-2025 WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved.