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It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.

successfully helping children manage their weight

World Health Organization says 9.1% of kids will be overweight or obese by 2020.  They estimate  43 million children worldwide are overweight or obese, and 81% of them live in developing countries. The number is expected to increase to about 60 million over the next decade. “The rise in childhood overweight and obesity since 1990 has been dramatic,” the authors write. “If trends are not reversed, increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity will have enormous implications, not only for future health care expenditures but also for the overall development of nations,” the researchers say. According to the report,
These findings confirm the need for effective interventions and programs” to reduce obesity.**


an effective weight loss program to help reduce obesity in the kids demographic one child at a time.

Introducing Childhood Meal Plans for Ages 9-18

Teen Scene that let’s kids be kids

Is getting your teenager to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet an everyday challenge?  During the teen years, good nutrition plays a vital role in proper growth and development as well as eating habits later in life.

Now it is time to teach your teen good eating habits that will last a lifetime.

The Teen Scene Meal Plans

  1. will guide you through feeding your teenager a healthy diet that you can BOTH agree on
  2. will ensure your teenager is receiving all of the essential nutrients they need for proper growth and development through these crucial years.
  3. include what all teenagers need: plenty of calcium, iron, calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, zinc, as well as other essential nutrients.
  4. are formed around a healthy diet for teens that includes four or more servings of dairy per day; four to six ounces of lean meat per day, fish, poultry or dried beans per day; three servings of vegetables; two servings of fruit and at least six servings of grain products per day.

**This study is published in the November 2010 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.




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The Sure Way
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Weekly menus help you learn how to eat delicious food, boost your metabolism and lose the unwanted weight.

Kimberly Tessmer,
Registered Dietitian

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Change your negative thinking and you’ll change your life. Long term weight loss is  what you eat and what you think.

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