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He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude Rock

Let today be the day to begin to adapt an attitude of gratitude.

It is helpful to start a journal, write down what you are grateful for and read it from time to time.

Quality vs. Quantity.  More is not better in this case.  A study on gratitude found that people keeping a journal were happier after six weeks when they tracked their gratitude once per week vs every day or even three times a week.  Test it out and find what works best for you. 

If keeping a journal is not for you, you may just think or say what you are grateful for out loud at Charlie Brown Gratituderandom.  I find as I get out of bed each day I say ‘Thank’ as the one foot hits the floor and ‘You’ when the other foot hits the floor and add what I want to be thankful for that day.   ‘Thank You for putting me in the right place at the right time today’  

Thank you for the love in my life or my health or the fact that I was able to put my two feet on the ground.  These are your gratitude statements for you and by you.  Your gratitude declarations should be those you believe and trust vs. one you hesitate putting down on paper or one you do not believe. 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” –Melody Beattie

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust


Diet Motivation

Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!

Check out our meal plans to stay on track with your goal.

Think Yourself Thin

It has been proven time and again you are what you think.  When combined with healthy eating, your attitude, belief and positive thinking are key to achieving sustainable weight loss because the body believes what we tell it. 

The famed book ‘The Secret’ refers to a Genie who grants our wishes.  When you think “I am thin”, the Genie says “Your wish is my command”   …and when you think: ‘I am fat” the Genie again says ‘Your wish is my command”   What will you say today?  

Attitude is so very important, and yet, it is generally the first thing to go.  We gain a pound, get discouraged and the positive attitude is the first thing to go and the will power is next thing to go. We can eat all the right food, do all the exercise but without the right thinking and attitude healthy food and exercise alone are not going to help us achieve optimum ;long term results. 

Positive thinking is not about a ‘rah, rah’ cheerful or optimistic outcome we hope to achieve.  Positive thinking IS about our mental and emotion thinking process where we create habits and skill that we need to support achieving our goals.

You mind set (What You Think) is one of the 4 Simple Steps needed to achieve permanent weight loss.
The effectiveness of using positive thinking has proven to help in the treatment of physical illness including extending remissions and improving life expectancy for cancer survivors.  With that kind of potential, it is easy to see why if you want to change your body, you’ve got to change your mindset.

Right now without further delay set your mind to positive.  Change your mindset, believe that sustainable weight loss is ‘easy’. Your body will follow and soon you will easily achieve the positive results you want and deserve.  

Fitness Motivation

“A fit, healthy body — that is the best fashion statement.” There’s no better way to lose weight and keep it off than with a proven online weight loss solution.  Weight Loss Village is that solution whether you’re looking to drop 10, 25, 50 pounds or more.  We can help!  Jump Start Your Weight Loss here




Goal Setting and Weight Loss

Goal setting in an important part of your quest to loose weight but it is also important that your goals be realistic. For example setting a goal to lose twenty pounds in 2 months may leave you disappointed. However, when you set the goal to lose 2 pounds a week over a ten week period you will be able to achieve continual milestones.

The popularity of goal setting is in fact evidence that  it really does work since it thrives and remains an important step in pursuing and reaching weight loss and other goals for the following reasons:

1.    Goal setting requires establishing definite and achievable objectives.
2.    Setting goals strengthens your plans. The more concrete your goals are to you, the more motivated you are to achieve them.
3.    Goal setting is like your personal agreement with yourself.  We all know it’s easier to break agreements we make to ourselves than to others since but if you let goal setting be a test to your personal integrity you will see a change. How can you keep your word to others if you cannot keep a promise you make to yourself?
4.    Goal setting is a powerful tool to help you master your own future.
5.    Goals made today determine the actions you need to take today that will affect your situation tomorrow.
6.    When you specify your goals you determine where to focus your resources and efforts.
7.    Goal setting is like a blueprint that shows you what to do and how to do it.
8.     Be clear about you goals.  It helps eliminate distractions that can disrupt your progress.

Ask.   Write.   Review.
Ask yourself what are my goals?   Write down your responses.   Review them each day.
When you do not write down your goals they are merely a wish – not a goal. 

Decide exactly what you want to achieve, how long do you want to work to achieve it and what would you do to achieve your goal?  It is important your goals be what you want and never what you do not want

REMINDER:  Goal setting should not be mistaken with a declaration of your personal dreams and desires. You’ll not be able to find fault with the results of your goal setting if you think you can get to the moon with an old broken down rusty car without gas.
Goal setting with positive results requires you consider each of the steps (small and big) that make up the journey from who and where you are today to who and where you are to be tomorrow.-

Here is a recap on the secrets for reaching your goals through goal setting:
1. Decide what you want.
2. Clearly specify your goals. Think about how you will get what you want.
3. Develop a clear step by step action plan including a way to monitor your progress.
4. Keep your goals realistic and regularly revisit them and adjust them if need be.

It’s Worth It!
Decide on your goals, stick with them and see them through to the very end,  Once you get to where you want to be you’ll see that every step of the journey was worth it!!!

Mind Over Matter: Thinking Thin with Weight Loss Village

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” – Henry Ford

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking, but getting ourselves in the right mental space can sometimes be more difficult  than it sounds… especially when it comes to something as sensitive as weight loss. In fact, one of the primary reasons so many people never reach their weight loss goals is that they create too many negative feelings around the process of getting there.

Some of us have spent too much time telling ourselves reasons why we cannot achieve our ideal weight. Some of us have created too many excuses that hinder our weight loss success, making it difficult to even find a starting point.

Over time diets come and go – many diets are temporary or do not work at all. We become discouraged and start to feel hopeless about ever reaching the goals we set. On top of everything else, these negative feelings cause stress—which typically leads to overeating, causing an even bigger problem than we started with. It can be a vicious and unhappy cycle… but the cycle can be broken when you start to change the way you think.

When you come to realize the benefits of adapting a new lifestyle and not just another new diet, and then start changing your mindset about the entire journey to a healthy and fit life, your success ratio is heightened exponentially.

If you’re feeling this way, or going through rounds of unsuccessful attempts at losing weight, it might be time for a mental reset.

Weight Loss Village is pleased to offer a series of online workshops called “Think Thin.” They are hosted by experienced coaches who work to build your overall sense of self-confidence, reboot your unhealthy habits, and help you find a path to permanent weight loss when coupled with healthy eating and exercise. . Visit our website to learn more about the program or about the upcoming Workshop schedule.

Take a moment to listen to a complimentary workshop on our website. After listening, you can decide which of the three available programs is best for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about which program best fits your needs!

Register Today

Negative to Positive Self Talk

It is going to take some time to change you to go from negative to positive self talk.  However, this I know for sure.  When you practice writing down and repeating simple, positive affirmations over time positive thoughts will become second nature and your life will change.
Suggested affirmations or create your own:
I completely and totally love and accept myself.
I am free of guilt about my food choices.
I am grateful for the body I have and what it does for me.

Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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