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Don’t wait till you reach your goal to enjoy your body

Stop My Membership

Are you sure?
Membership has so many features and benefits to help you reach your weight loss goals.

  • Over 40 Online Registered Dietician meal plans
  • 100% Personalized weekly menu plans with grocery lists
  • Simple cutting edge tools and trackers to track your progress and success
  • Video tutorials direct you every step of the way
  • New! WeightLoss2Go App – take us with you wherever you go
  • New! Online think-thin workshops help you change your mindset
  • and so much more.

Okay!  if you’re absolutely sure,  you will be missed and welcome back anytime.
To Reactivate Your Account:  
Login using your current username and password.  From ‘Membership Information” page select Add/Renew Membership and follow the instructions.

From time to time we offer promotions and weight loss challenges. Members are advised to make sure they are not entered into any promotions or contests before choosing to stop their membership or they will be eliminated from the promotion or contest.

To stop your membership and billing follow these instructions:
1. Enter your username and password below and click ‘Unsubscribe’
2. This will direct you to ” Membership Information’
3. Select ‘Stop My Membership’ from the lower right menu
4. Follow the steps provided by your original method of payment (PayPal or

You may also write to if you have any questions.

** Reminder - Once you stop your membership your account will remain active and you can enjoy the member benefits until the end of the then current membership term.  You membership will not be renewed after that term expires and no future payments will be charged unless you reactivate your account.

Username or email:Password:


Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

Copyright 2012-2025 WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved.