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Secrets to Successful Weight Loss
What You Eat
Author:  Victoria Grayson    Source:   1 May 2013

Secret 1: Control Your Portions
Food Portions: Controlling your portion sizes is the greatest asset to your weight loss success.  Start to read nutrition labels; carefully measuring servings; eat only a single helping and use smaller serving dishes. And you do not have to clear your plate – you can wrap it for your next meal.
Coffee Selections
: No one is suggesting giving up the java just that you be mindful of the java you select.  Years ago an 8 oz cup of coffee with whole milk and sugar was about 45 calories.   Today the java junkies are replacing that cup with 16-oz Grand Mocha (330 calories |140 from fat and 35g sugar), Caramel Macchiato (240 calories | 60 from fat and 32g sugar) and the list of catching concoctions goes on as do the calories and your excess weight.  

Secret 2: Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast is a poor choice because you fail to fuel your body when it needs it the most which forces your body into starvation mode. When your body thinks you are starving every morsel, every calorie becomes all important for survival. The body will begin to store the calories you eat as fat; this will make you fat which is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish.  Eating breakfast is like an weight management insurance policy which helps you avoid mid afternoon sugar cravings, energy drops and mood swings.

Secret 3: Monitor What You Eat
One of the strongest judges of successful and maintained lifestyle change is monitoring dietary intake. While it can be tedious to keep a daily food log, research has shown that this practice is a highly effective and proven strategy.  It is a clear indicator of what you consume during the day.   The monitoring should include the odd piece of candy, bite of a cookie. etc.

Secret 4: Be Mindful of Why You Eat
Too often we turn to food when we are bored or stressed. You are encouraged to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you are full.  Ask yourself before heading to the fridge, pantry or candy machine if you are motivated by hunger, just bored, stressed, perhaps you are tired or sad. Emotional eating can play havoc on even the most well-planned weight management program.

Help achieving each of the secrets is available to members of Weight Loss Village.

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