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Eat, Drink and Be Merry for The Holidays Without Worrying About It.
Author:  V.Grayson   Source:  WeightLossVillage    Date:  5 December 2013


The holiday season filled with rushed schedules, festive foods, temptations and pitfalls during the parties, family and friend get together has arrived. 

For those of us focusing on healthy lifestyles the holiday season can be a challenge. Until now.

Life is meant for living. The good news I that you can eat, drink and be merry without adding on the pounds.  Weight Loss Village comes to the rescue with holiday tips to help you enjoy a light holiday season.  Choose one or more and adapt them into your life to help you get or keep on track.

 Prepare in advance with special strategies.
One Program:  Settle in and stick to ONE program and meal plan that works for you.
Small Adjustments: Start to make small adjustments; they will become habit and before long bring about big results. 
Healthy Choices:  Identify your must have foods that are often sabotage your weight issues. When you ID these must have empty-calorie foods you will be able to replace them with healthy nutritious foods that you can enjoy without packing on the pounds
Do Not Go Hungry:  Eat regular meals including a good breakfast.  Eat at regular intervals to keep your blood sugar levels do not crash and have you feel sharp cravings and making poor choices.   Before leaving for a special party or dinner eat a healthy snack as this will ward off the temptations that make you vulnerable.

Identify Your Emotional Triggers:  We each have our own emotional triggers for overeating or choosing less than healthy foods.  Identify your triggers as this will help you eliminate the need for a ‘feel good’ reward, overeating and other sabotaging, self-defeating actions.  Be good to yourself in other ways. Go to a movie or a spa, take a walk or take a moment doing what you like to do, just for you.

Plate Sizes .. Portions Portion Distortion:  Since food is very much a focus of the holidays it is important to be mindful of your choices and your portions. TIP:  choose a smaller plate to control portions.   Fill your plate first with low calorie healthy foods and leave only a little room for the ‘treat’ foods. 
Consider the 90/10 rule: It is not necessary for you to deny yourself entirely of the foods you wish to indulge in and be miserable during the holidays.   I find working with 90% healthy and 10% indulgent “treat” foods is a good balance that allows me to  for me. selections Aim to eat healthy ideally 90% of the time and then look at your “treat” foods as something to really appreciate and enjoy in moderation.
Slow It Down:  It takes the brain about 20 minutes to know we are getting full. Savor each bite and learn to recognize the first signs that you are full and stop when you do.  Before you take another bite remember your goals to reach or maintain a healthier life.
Limit The Alcohol:  For those who wish to indulge please do so in moderation. . Let alone is alcohol calorie dense, it reduces our inhibitions which can lead to poor choices and more of them.  Either cut the portions in half or alternate your drinks with water to keep you hydrated..
Exercise your option to say NO.   Keep in mind the food you see is not leaving the planet.  It will be offered at another time and in another place.  You do have the choice to graciously say ‘no thank you’ and move on to a healthier option you can select.

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