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Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.

Walking for Weight Loss

Fewer calories consumed through healthy dietary changes generally promote more efficient weight loss when added to physical activity such as walking.     Read More

Eating with Your Non-Dominant Hand

Eating with your non-dominant hand doesn’t feel natural and will in turn have you eating less and less likely to eat mindlessly.  When was the last time you mindlessly consumed a bucket of popcorn (with or without the ‘butter’) at the movies.

NOTE:  A study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that those who typically ate popcorn at the movies consumed less when eating with their non-dominant hand.    Try it!

You are not alone…

You are not alone.  Losing unwanted weight is by far one of the greatest challenges facing the world today.  WeightLossVillage specializes in helping members learn how to achieve and then enjoy sustainable weight loss. We are not a diet.  We are your way to a new, improved and healthy lifestyle at your ideal weight.    Learn more about us.

Sometimes Less is More

According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology working out 30 minutes is just as effective as working out for an hour when it comes to weight loss.

9 out of 10 dieters do not succeed

Too often weight loss efforts fail because ‘dieters’ have a limited understanding of how to eat and regulate their appetite and metabolism. To the contrary of popular thinking, eating less due to fasting, missing meals, semi starvation or rigorous dieting will actually slow down the metabolic rate (rate of which the body burns calories).  This may explain why dieting alone is not successful.  Losing weight can be achieved in 4 Simple Steps: 1. what you eat, 2. how you move 3. what you think and 4. developing healthy habits.   Learn how WeightLossVillage can help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

Want to Lose Weight? What Not to Do!

Do you go into ‘obsessive’ drive when you start a weight loss program?  As tempting as it may be it is something to avoid.   An important alternative is to learn to relax and approach your weight loss journey in a healthy and reasonable pace.

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Negative to Positive Self Talk

It is going to take some time to change you to go from negative to positive self talk.  However, this I know for sure.  When you practice writing down and repeating simple, positive affirmations over time positive thoughts will become second nature and your life will change.
Suggested affirmations or create your own:
I completely and totally love and accept myself.
I am free of guilt about my food choices.
I am grateful for the body I have and what it does for me.

Are you an emotional eater?

The emotional eater thinks when they reach their ideal weight all aspects of their life will change for the better. When this does not happen they revert back to the need for food to make them feel good and the cycle of yo-yo dieting perpetuates.  Emotional eaters need to adjust their expectations and realize the shift needs to occur first and then sustainable weight loss will follow. It is not the reverse.

It is also important to establish a new, healthy relationship with food and not hold on to food as their quick escape when stress, sadness or anger knocks at the door. The emotional eater often sees food as a protector and an escape from everyday life and they want to eat when they want and as as much as they want to mask the real issue they do not want or choose not to deal with.

The good news is that you can stop.  If you practice something it can become perfect.  It’s the same for emotional eating.   Find new ways to distract, calm and sooth yourself.  Rewire your brain, identify new non-eating activities to distract yourself to feed the emotion. Before you know it your new behavior will become second nature.

Secrets to Weight Loss Success and How You Move

Secret 1: Regular Exercise
Secret 2: Choose Activities You Like

Secret 3: 10 x 3 is Better Than Zero
Secret 4: Increase the Pace

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Secrets to Weight Loss Success – What You Eat

Secret 1: Control Your Portions
Secret 2: Eat Breakfast

Secret 3: Monitor What You Eat
Secret 4: Be Mindful of Why You Eat

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