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Approach weight loss as a lifestyle change not a temporary fix.

3 Phase Approach to Optimum Weight Loss

Detox for Weight Loss /  Louise Ann Gittleman PhD, CNS
Detoxification is crucial to losing weight, because toxins are stored in our body fat.  Melting that fat away dumps toxins into our blood stream – unless we flush them out.  Supporting the liver and colon, organs critical in the effort to rid our bodies of fattening chemicals, can be an enormous advantage.’

There are hundreds of FDA-approved chemicals in the food we eat, cleaning products and our environment making us fat and keeping us fat.  Taking steps to reduce your toxic buildup will make it possible to reach your ideal weight.

For optimum results we suggest you follow the three phase approach as this will ensure initial rapid weight loss as well as long term weight management. 

Phase 1 – Detox & Cleanse Phase:
Select one of our 14 or 21 day Detox & Cleanse Meal Plans. Eliminate toxins from your body, transition from your unhealthy eating habits to optimize your weight loss

Phase 2 – Weight Loss Phase:
Weight Loss Phase begins when you complete the Detox and Cleanse phase.  Choose from any of the other 46 online meal plans and continue until you reach your goal weight.

Phase 3 – New Lifestyle Phase:
Congratulations will be in order when you reach your New Lifestyle Phase which reinforces the new you, your eating habits, exercise choices and positive mindset as you enjoy your new lifestyle and positive lifelong benefits.

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Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVillage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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