We have half way through summer and there is still plenty of time to take part in summer activities that can keep you young and help with your weight loss efforts. These activities include swimming, volleyball,  canoeing/hiking and my favorite – tennis.


While swimming is a great activity all year round, many people find that summer is a great time to take part in this sport because they can do it outside. Whether you go to the beach, visit a lake, or go to an outdoor pool, swimming outdoors is fun in summer.

Swimming is a good sport for weight loss because it combines cardio and strengthening. You use major muscle groups in order to perform different strokes and the resistance of the water helps to build strength. Another benefit of swimming is that it is easy on the body. If you are new to the sport, have physical impairments, or are obese you can receive health benefits from swimming.


VolleyballThis is another great summer pastime that will help keep you active and offer weight loss benefits. Volleyball helps to tone and strengthen your arms, legs, abs, and gluteal muscles. Depending on how intense you are when you play sports, you can achieve a great workout why you play volleyball. If you play in the sand, the resistance helps you get better results from strengthening your legs.

This is a fun team sport that is often played at parks and beaches. It is also a sport where many people don’t mind if you ask to join a team when a casual game is in progress. While you may be able to find a local club that has a volleyball team, you can also just play the sport for the fun of it by getting some friends together on the weekends.


Canoeing has many health and weight loss benefits. You can burn up to 400 calories an hour, depending on the pace you set in the water. You can also strengthen your back, stomach, arms, and chest muscles while you paddle. Canoeing can help reduce stress as well by releasing endorphins and because of the beautiful scenery you see as you travel.

Hiking is great for your leg muscles and you can burn anywhere from 250-500 calories, depending on how fast you walk. It reduces stress and can help you sleep soundly at night from the energy you expend during the activity.

Think about combining canoeing and hiking into your next great outdoor vacation. Some trails allow you to canoe across lakes or rivers, and then you pick up the canoe and hike to the next body of water. Take to the internet to find canoe/hiking tours for a fun and unique weekend getaway in your area.

Tennis (my personal favorite)

I personally enjoy playing tennis.  I wear a pedometer on the court to see how many steps I take during my time on the court.  You will be amazed how quickly your steps add up.  Find one or three others to join you.

These are just some fun activities that will can help you lose weight.

What is your favorite activity for losing weight.    Stay tuned to our blog for more great ideas.