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Healthy Festive Fruit Tree

This is an EASY,  festive and creative fruit tray and so very HEALTHY – nothing but fruit!  Wash all the fruit and slice the apples and you can form the tree probably in 5 minutes or less.

Festive Holiday Fruit Tree Ingredients
    1 lb green grapes
    2-3 Granny Smith (or other green) apples
    1/2 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1/2 Bosc pear

    Use an oblong tray for best results. Place a paper or towel in the middle of the tray, if desired, to drain fruit and help stabilize it. (You don’t want the edges of the paper towel to show.)
    Core the apples, then cut them into quarters, then cut each quarter into 4 slices. Place in a bowl of lemon water (fill a bowl of water and splash in a TBSP or two of lemon juice). This will keep them from browning.
    Trim the sides of the Bosc pear so that it resembles a tree trunk (we’re not going for perfection here – just as close as you can get). Place it near the bottom of the tray, with the peel facing out.
    Pile the grapes on the tray, above the pear. Shape them so that there are fewer on the top and more on the bottom, like a triangle.
    Line the apple slices around the edges of the grape tree, forming the branches.
    Place the blueberries and raspberries randomly among the grapes to form the ornaments.

For an extra touch, you can use a star cookie cutter to cut a star shape out of a pineapple wedge, or piece of cantaloupe. If you have a large enough pear or apple, and a metal cutter, you could use that as well. Place that at the top of the tree. (I just went without.)

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