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I considered barbaric surgery but found the solution with WeightLossVillage. — Harry M.

All A-Flutter: Secrets to Heart-Healthy Eating

Happy Heart-Health Month! As February comes to a close, we don’t want you to miss a beat, especially when it comes to wholesome nutrition. Lucky for you, our team knows all the tips and tricks for healthy eating, by heart.

In fact, we have a “Heart Healthy” Registered Dietitian designed online meal plan specifically to help keep your cardiovascular system thumping and pumping without a hitch. This customizable plan is loaded with foods that you are probably already eating. Don’t believe us? Read on for some surprisingly heart-friendly secrets.

Secret #1: (Some) Fats Are Good for You

Yes, you did read that right. Now before you reach for that second slice of pizza, let us set the record straight.

The Bad Fats

A heart-healthy diet does NOT include an abundance of saturated and trans fats. These “bad fats” raise the level of cholesterol in your blood, which in turn raises your chance for heart disease and stroke. Here a few foods you’ll want to limit to give your heart some love.

●          Fatty meats (beef, poultry with the skin)

●          Dairy (cream, cheese, whole milk)

●          Baked Goods (especially grain-based desserts)

●          Fried Foods (French fries, breaded chicken)

Remember, you don’t have to completely deny yourself these items, but the American Heart Association suggests limiting saturated fats to about 140 calories out of a 2000 diet. Trans fats, on the other hand, should be avoided more actively with just a 20 calorie allowance.

The Good(!) Fats

In moderation, the unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) are essential for cell growth, organ protection and energy. Now, on to the all-important question: What foods are good sources for these heart-healthy fats? Glad you asked. Here are few great, fat-rich foods to add to your grocery list.

●          Vegetable Oils (soybean oil, olive oil)

●          Fatty Fish (herring, salmon, mackerel)

●          Nuts and Seeds (walnuts, sunflower seeds, nut butters)

●          Avocado (Craving some guacamole, anyone?)

Quick Tip: Saturated fats are typically solid at room temperature, whereas unsaturated fats are liquid.

Secret #2: Cutting Cholesterol Isn’t as Hard as You Think Our Heart Healthy meal plan cuts cholesterol to about 200 mg a day. What foods can you eat with these goals? The answer may surprise you.

Soy-Based Foods: While soy making the list may not be surprising in and of itself, the versatility of this cholesterol-decreasing plant is.

●          Edamame: Young soy beans that make a great snack on their own or thrown in a stir fry or salad.

●          Soy Milk: We like this option because it goes well with another heart-healthy drink, tea. Add a splash of soy milk to your morning tea for heart-healthy bonus points.

●          Tofu: Whether you bake it, sauté it or stir fry it, tofu also makes a great, protein-rich addition to salads, soups and main dishes.

Lean Beef: That’s right. Recent studies say lean beef can also lower cholesterol when coupled with good fitness and a decreased intake of saturated fats. According to the American Heart Association, loin and round cuts will have the lowest fat content.

Can you believe it? We hope we’ve taken some of the mystery out of taking care of your ticker. Join Weight Loss Village now for instant access to personalized, Registered Dietician designed, online meal plans including the and our super-convenient WeightLoss2GO™mobile app. Included with your registration, this exclusive program keeps your meal plan, exercise log and grocery lists at your fingertips–no matter where your day takes you.

Check out our heart healthy online meal plan – .

Heart Healthy
Calorie Ranges 1300 to 2100
Heart Healthy Menus are low in fat, especially saturated fat, and higher in unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, the “heart healthy” fats. Menus are low in cholesterol (up to 200 mg per day and include soy foods to help protect against heart disease by reducing cholesterol levels.



Quick and Easy Acorn Squash

Simple and delicious and my family loves it! 

Slice it in half and scoop out the seeds.
Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of orange juice into the well of each half.
Sprinkle with cracked pepper
Cover and bake 350 degrees for about one hour until soft.


How to Cut a Hard Acorn Squash
Position the squash on a cutting board and carefully use a serrated knife to saw through the touch skin.

Cost-Effective Ways to Enjoy Fresh Produce This Winter

Often when we are able to find some of our out-of-season favorite fruits and vegetables during the winter months they are quite expensive but there is a way to shop cost-effectively and reap the benefits of fresh produce.

Get to know and buy seasonal produce
Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, clementine, papaya, etc are at their peak in the winter months.

Try winter squash, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens like kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli,  and collards just to mention a few


 Shop at your local farmers’ market

Gather up the family and make it a regular outing to visit many of the neighborhood local Farmer’s Market. or food co-ops open year around where you can find good deals on produce. 

Also, consider joining a local harvest group where you purchase a membership share in a farmer’s harvest weekly to receive seasonal produce and/or meat or poultry, from that farm.  It is a great way to try new foods as well.


Grow Your Own Herbs Indoors

Perennial herbs such as basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, etc. are some of the best herbs to grow indoors during the winter. Purchase starter plants at your local supermarket or farmers’ market.  Position them near a sun-filled window in a well-insulated room and water them regularly without over watering them.  This is a real treat during the winter.



Alternatively… Stock Your Freezer
Freeze your favorites
You’ll find that fruits and vegetables are less expensive when in season. Buy on sale, cut them up and freeze produce in season. For example berries: wash and prepare the berries as you like, place them on a cookie sheet in a single layer and place it in the freezer.   When frozen place them into a container of zip lock bag.  This is an economical and delicious way to stock up on berries and other produce.
Visit the frozen-food aisle

Alternatively purchase frozen produce.   Since the item is frozen when it is harvested some nutrients are better preserved in frozen vs fresh.  Additionally, frozen produce can be a real time saver because it does not require added preparation. Watch for specials, stock your freezer and always have your favorite produce readily available no matter what the season.

We look forward to you sharing your suggestions on how to enjoy fresh produce throughout the winter.

Stay the course this holiday season

Ho! Ho!  Ho!

HOliday Dieting TreeYou can make it through the holidays sticking to your diet and fitness goals with a treat now and again and without all the stress. Just plan and decide what food or drink is a priority for you to have.  If you are looking forward to Tiramisu or a slice of cheesecake don’t go snacking on cheese and crackers or calorie filled Hors d’Oeuvres. 

Eat healthy and then…. indulge in a modest portion of the Tiramisu without going back for seconds or thirds no matter how tempted you are.  Plan your choices, be mindful of portion size and you can definitely triumph.

Sweet Potato Pumpkins

This delicious recipe is fun to prepare and serve + it is ideal for a family project throughout the fall and winter season when sweet potatoes are in season.

Delcious Fun to Make Sweet Potatoe Pumpkins Ingredients
  3 lbs sweet potatoes (about 5-6)
  1 T. Coconut Milk (or any milk)
  3 T. Coconut Oil (or butter or any oil)
  1″ Piece of Ginger, grated
  Grated Nutmeg
  Salt & Pepper
  approximately 2 T. sugar, any kind
  1 celery stalk

  Peel the potatoes and chop them into chunks. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Boil until they can easily be pierced with a fork. Drain.
  Press sweet potatoes through a potato ricer into a large mixing bowl. Add the coconut milk, 2 T. oil, and the seasonings to taste (start with a lesser amount, taste once it’s all mixed up and add as needed).
  Beat the sweet potatoes and other ingredients in a mixer until a smooth mash is created. Chill until cool to the touch and slightly firmer.
  Using moist hands, shape the mash into balls and place them on a greased cookie sheet. Smooth them with a rubber or silicone spatula. Use the tip of a table knife to create the ridges around the pumpkin. Smooth with moist finger tips as needed.
  Melt the remaining coconut oil, and brush it onto the tops of the pumpkins. Sprinkle them with the sugar. Cut the celery stalk into approximately 1 1/2″ inch pieces and press one into the top of each pumpkin to form the stem.
  Broil the “pumpkins” until the top of the celery stalk and the sugar are browned a little – about 5 minutes or so.  Watch so they do not burn.

Tips To Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

We know we have to eat more fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, but sometimes, that is just plain hard to do!

Here are some quick tips on how to add more servings of fruits and vegetables to your diet.


Tips To Eating Healthy During Holidays

So, that time is here, where temptation in the form of food is all around us! Don’t give in and say you will start over next year! Stay on track with your weight loss plans with these simple tips:

If you need help with your weight loss goals, we are here for you with some great tools to keep you on track.  Check out our Weightloss2Go Mobile App.  Track what you eat, your workouts and weight loss to stay motivated.

Delicious Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Skill Level: Beginner  |  Serves: 4  |  Start to Finish: 1 hour 15 minutes
By:   WLV Team Member

With the chill of fall in the air I love roasting veggies.  One of my favorites is sweet potatoes with butter, spices and either brown sugar or maple syrup.  In addition to being sweet, delicious and tender the aroma in the house is delightful while they are roasting.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes Ingredients
3 Sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite size cubes
2 tsp olive oil ( I prefer Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp of brown sugar or maple syrup (more if you want it sweeter)
1 tsp of ground cinnamon*
1/4 tsp of ground nutmeg*
Pinch of ground ginger*
Sea Salt to taste
*Alternative 1 1/4 tsp of pumpkin pie spice

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a small baking dish with cooking spray or parchment paper. . Once you’ve peeled and diced the sweet potatoes into bite size cubes, place in the baking dish. Mix together the melted butter, olive oil, salt and spices you selected.  Add more sugar or spices if desired. Toss to coat evenly. Bake 60 minutes or until potatoes are tender.  Gently stir one or two times during roasting.

Serve warm with meat or poultry of choice and a salad for a meal the entire family will love.   Enjoy!

Having a Weight Loss Buddy Helps You Lose More Weight

Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself to stick to a weight loss program plan or make the time to fit in some exercise? Studies show that if you set health goals with friends, or a ssignificant other, you’re much more likely to reach them.

Why does having a weight loss buddy increase your odds of achieving your weight loss goals? A number of factors are at play here:

1. Friends and loved ones help to hold you accountable. Instead of working towards a goal that only you are aware of, including others in your mission gives you extra incentive not to let them down.
2. Spark a competitive spirit to keep up as your friends shed pounds—a little competition never hurt anyone, especially when the goal is better health!
3. Each member of your weight loss team brings their own experiences and knowledge to the table. You’ll be able to give each other valuable advice based on your past experiences, making sure you help each other avoid mistakes along the way.
4. When the people around you are working towards their own health goals, you’ll all be focused on eating well. This can make preparing meals much easier, and you won’t be tempted by unhealthy foods if those around you aren’t eating them either!
5. Having a supportive atmosphere can make working out and losing weight—gasp!—more fun. Sharing your experiences and laughing through the ups and downs of your journey with people you care about is a lot more fun than going through those emotions alone. Rather than looking at your health goals as an unpleasant burden, you’ll start to associate them with positive, upbeat parts of your life.

A safe, sure way to get started on your weight loss journey is to become a member at Weight Loss Village with one or more friends and family.

Make today the day you each sign up, find an online meal plan just right for each of you, enjoy the personalized weekly menus with grocery list, Think-Thin workshops that can change your mindset and change your life plus take the plan with you wherever you go with their amazing app for iPhone, iPad and Android.

Here’s to a thinner and fitter you in excellent health… and to enjoying time with friends during your journey!

How Smoothies Can Help Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

You’ve probably heard about your friends’ smoothie recipes, and the new liquid diets. Making your own smoothies at home has become a huge craze, for people who want to lose weight as well as those looking to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets for health.

Documentaries like Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead have covered the amazing results that this type of diet can give, as well as their positive effects on the overall health of a person… the benefits go well beyond weight loss.

What’s so great about smoothies? Here are just a few reasons why you might want to jump on this bandwagon:

- Breaking down vegetables into smoothies actually allows you body to absorb more of their nutrients than consuming them as solids does.
- Sticking to a smoothie plan can help cut your cravings: fruit juices make a great substitute for traditional desserts.
- For anyone just starting a weight loss plan, smoothies can be an excellent jump start for your body. After just a few days, you’ll find that cravings for the foods you’re trying to avoid will be much less.
- Smoothies taste great! You can get a variety of flavors into your daily regimen if you have enough recipes.

Get started with the smoothie lifestyle by entering your name and email below.  Weight Loss Village has done most of the work for you!  We’ve compiled over 100 of the absolute best smoothie recipes we could find and put them into Simply Smoothies eBook!

Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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