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The future depends on what we do in the present.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

Fitness Babe Tips

Here are just a few tips to help you get optimum results from your exercise and fitness routine.  Did you know if your heart rate is below or above the recommended target for your gender and age you will be moving but not burning calories or fat?

Fitness Babe - Working Out Weight Lifting should always come first.  Often women start with cardio exercise before weight training.  A drawback of this is that it is possible to miss a significant component of the routine and spend all of it on cardio training. Often the results are less than desired even after long hours at the gym. Reverse the order and see the difference it can make. Trainers agree this reversal guarantees a visible positive outcome.

Monitor Your Heart Rate: I find it helpful to wear a heart monitor devise to keep myself exercising at the suggested rate of 75-85% of the maximum heart rate. When you go below OR above that you are going through the motions but not doing very much good. To ensure you work out at the prescribed target heart rate use a heart monitor you wear or use exercise equipment with this feature.

How Often To Exercise:  20 minutes 3X a week is better than zero. How long to work out is always a question. This should be part of your day you look forward to vs. dreading. Start at 20 minutes and work out for an hour or less. Also focus on the exercise and what you aim to accomplish as this will make the work out session more efficient as you begin to see the results.

Social Support: Fitness social support can be an important element to improve your road to ‘fitness babe’ and should not be underestimated. It is helpful to work out at a gym once in a while if you generally work out at home. Try some classes in activities that have always been interesting such as yoga, Pilates, Zumba, etc. Consider joining a walking club or running club for support.

Pep Talk Yourself. Often an athlete will pump fist during a game to keep motivated. Pep talking yourself can have the same effect for your workouts.“I am a success no matter the challenges I encounter in life.”, ‘I did that and I can do it again’, ‘Yes!’

No Pressure. Remember not to pressure yourself too much. It is best to congratulate yourself and shower yourself with words of encouragement before, during and after exercises.

Positive Feedback. Keep in mind to never overlook giving yourself positive feedback to yourself. Here are a few examples to get you thinking.  ‘I had a great workout today’, ‘You did great today’ ‘I’m proud of you – that was a fantastic workout’ ‘Don’t worry; be happy, because I am closer to success.’‘

Let today be your first day to become a fitness babe. 

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4 Steps to Weight Loss

Today we’re focusing on ‘How You Move”

In addition to eating right and thinking positive it is important to add fitness into your schedule and to keep track of it. Our cutting edge tools help you track your calories, workout and weight loss.   A good fitness program in addition to its health benefits will also help you reduce weight and get into a better shape when combined with proper eating and a positive mind set.   It would beneficial to check out the gyms near where you live and also by where you work to find out their membership offers. Get motivated when you get a few friends or co-workers to join wight you.

By the way it is a proven fact that people who exercise regularly can save thousands of dollars on medical treatments over their life span. Workouts have been know to improve the immune system as well as reduce the chance of heart disease, strokes and diabetes due to excess weight,  Additionally fitness reduces fatigue, improves concentration and treats insomnia which increases productivity and can in turn boost income for some people.

There are two major components to fitness, aerobic and anaerobic. They work together to maximum benefits you can get from a fitness exercise program.

Aerobic exercises:   are the physical activities such as jogging, swimming, rowing, walking, stair climbing, cycling, and my favorite aerobic dance, etc. There are multiple health benefits which include but are not limited to improved energy levels, helping to normalize your blood pressure and of course increased metabolism to help with your weight loss efforts. .

Walking is the most natural, simplest and preferred exercise with minimal expense other than making sure you treat yourself to a good pair of walking sneakers.   If you have the room and are keen on purchasing exercise equipment, you can look for used equipment that often is offered at half or a third of the original price.   Keep it in good condition and you can look to resell it when it becomes your corner clothing rack as many at home exercise equipment has been know to become.

If you are a beginner, aerobic exercises can be helpful to increase your energy levels. The best time to engage in aerobic exercise is in the morning as it helps you burn calories through the course of the day. Why not get started today?  Follow a strict workout routine and soon all kinds of wonderful things can happen including the having your metabolism improves.

In a perfect world 30-40 minute per day for exercise is ideal BUT even if we do for a mere 15 minutes it is far better than doing nothing at all.  Start today to add ‘move it to lose it’ to your daily routine just as you do brushing our teeth or bathing.

Anaerobic exercise includes resistance exercises such as weight training which strengthens and tones muscles as well as helping you burn excess body fat, improve your energy levels, enhance your metabolism and so much more.  Weight training programs can be done at home at low cost but it is important you get some training or purchase a DVD or tune into You Tube.  Beginners should always start with light weights and more repetitions as this will be most effective.

You can also, like many other people buy the latest exercising gadgets to shed excess fat and achieve your goals.  The good news:  It is possible to get an effective and comprehensive workout program on a shoestring budget. You just need to get started.

Register for the Weight Loss Village online program today

Become A Fitness Babe

Fitness – if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.”  Cher

When you agree exercise is an important part of life you realize exercise serves many purposes: 1) it is prefect for losing weight 2) it can keep you within your ideal body weight, 3) it raises your metabolic rate 4) it helps burn the unwanted calories (calories in/calories out principal) and 5) exercise will rev up your heart and lungs to make them more efficient.

Exercise. Riding BikesIf that is not reason enough to remove yourself from a sedentary lifestyle here are a few more facts,  exercise works to strengthen the bones to keep one looking and feeling good about themselves and it helps give people stamina to keep up the pace of everyday. Sadly people do not always do what is good for them. Have we all been guilty of deciding whether to exercise or press the snooze alarm just one more time. Unfortunately too often the snooze alarm wins.

Decide today to make this your time to win out over the snooze alarm so you can reach and maintain the ideal body weight. The following fitness babe tips are especially good for women who are more susceptible to osteoporosis and who are under pressure to keep themselves beautiful.

Incorporate one or two of the tips as a starting point or incorporate into your current work out routine. It is suggested taking only one or two to make it realistic since it is important to keep the commitments you make.

Do not be concerned that the exercise routine is not enough. The ideal is to exercise 3-5 times a week for 20-60 minutes. However, with today’s busy schedules that is not always achievable. It is important not to get frustrated with a routine that is utterly impossible. It is more important to manage 2 times a week for 20 minutes than give up because the routine was unrealistic or too rigid. One should not frustrate herself by aiming for the ideal when she knows for herself that it is utterly impossible. Worthy to repeat: Managing two times a week for 20 minutes per session would be just fine.

Focus on doing what you can do vs. reprimanding oneself for not having done enough. Start from 20 minute workouts and progress as time permits. This will make you feel successful about having kept a commitment to yourself. Soon you’ll be patting yourself on the back saying ‘Bravo, I did this for me’ and ‘I am a fitness babe’. .

Get in Shape with Sports

We have half way through summer and there is still plenty of time to take part in summer activities that can keep you young and help with your weight loss efforts. These activities include swimming, volleyball,  canoeing/hiking and my favorite – tennis.


While swimming is a great activity all year round, many people find that summer is a great time to take part in this sport because they can do it outside. Whether you go to the beach, visit a lake, or go to an outdoor pool, swimming outdoors is fun in summer.

Swimming is a good sport for weight loss because it combines cardio and strengthening. You use major muscle groups in order to perform different strokes and the resistance of the water helps to build strength. Another benefit of swimming is that it is easy on the body. If you are new to the sport, have physical impairments, or are obese you can receive health benefits from swimming.


VolleyballThis is another great summer pastime that will help keep you active and offer weight loss benefits. Volleyball helps to tone and strengthen your arms, legs, abs, and gluteal muscles. Depending on how intense you are when you play sports, you can achieve a great workout why you play volleyball. If you play in the sand, the resistance helps you get better results from strengthening your legs.

This is a fun team sport that is often played at parks and beaches. It is also a sport where many people don’t mind if you ask to join a team when a casual game is in progress. While you may be able to find a local club that has a volleyball team, you can also just play the sport for the fun of it by getting some friends together on the weekends.


Canoeing has many health and weight loss benefits. You can burn up to 400 calories an hour, depending on the pace you set in the water. You can also strengthen your back, stomach, arms, and chest muscles while you paddle. Canoeing can help reduce stress as well by releasing endorphins and because of the beautiful scenery you see as you travel.

Hiking is great for your leg muscles and you can burn anywhere from 250-500 calories, depending on how fast you walk. It reduces stress and can help you sleep soundly at night from the energy you expend during the activity.

Think about combining canoeing and hiking into your next great outdoor vacation. Some trails allow you to canoe across lakes or rivers, and then you pick up the canoe and hike to the next body of water. Take to the internet to find canoe/hiking tours for a fun and unique weekend getaway in your area.

Tennis (my personal favorite)

I personally enjoy playing tennis.  I wear a pedometer on the court to see how many steps I take during my time on the court.  You will be amazed how quickly your steps add up.  Find one or three others to join you.

These are just some fun activities that will can help you lose weight.

What is your favorite activity for losing weight.    Stay tuned to our blog for more great ideas.

Warm Weather Exercise Guidelines

It is important to stay active all year round, but you should do it safely to avoid injury. If you aren’t careful during your summer day workouts, you may end up dehydrated or suffer from heat stroke. Here are 6 tips to help you exercise safely this summer.

Exercise in the Morning

The afternoon is the hottest part of the day. While this may be an OK time to exercise in the fall and winter, it’s not a good idea in the summer. Early morning is cooler and a good time to exercise before the sun bakes the sidewalk – and your skin. If it isn’t possible to exercise in the morning, try in the evening after sunset.

30-Minute Stints

Many fitness experts are starting to believe that being active throughout the day is better for you than exercising 60 minutes every day. Try exercising for 30 minutes and then focus on activities that keep you moving the rest of the day. Reducing exertion is better for you in the summer anyway and will help achieve an active lifestyle.

Vary Your Routine

Varying your routine will increase weight loss and prevent muscle memory. When your body becomes accustomed to a specific exercise, you will need more repetitions or weight to see results. If you mix up your exercise routine, you can prevent your body from adapting and can adjust your workouts to avoid strenuous activity on days where the heat index is dangerously high.

Buy Resistance Tubing

You can make simple workouts more effective if you buy resistance tubing. Many Pilates exercises use resistance bands to help with strengthening and conditioning. It is an inexpensive piece of exercise equipment that will add flexibility to your workout routine and the location of your workouts. When it’s too hot to exercise outside, perform the same exercises inside, where you have fans or air conditioning to keep you cool.

Keep Hydrated

It is always important to stay hydrated and to drink water after a workout. When the weather is warmer, this caveat is especially important. Bring plenty of water with you when you exercise and drink it when you are done. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, make sure you drink plenty of fluids after exercising.

Listen to Your Body

Exercise is supposed to improve your overall health, not put it at risk. Pay attention to the warning signs that you may need to stop your workout for the day. If you are dizzy, light headed, or feeling weak, don’t push for those last few reps. Stop immediately, drink fluids, and rest for a bit. A cool cloth or shower can help as well.

There are many fun activities that you can enjoy during the summer to keep you moving and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. If you are going to work out this summer, make sure to heed these six tips so that you can enjoy the warm weather before it is gone for another several months.

Build a Better Butt

Floor Work: Bridge

This classic is a surprisingly good workout for the glutes,as well as your hamstrings and hips.

How to do that: Begin on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart. Slowly peel your spine off the floor from the tailbone, one vertebra at a time, tightening the glutes and hamstrings. Pause when you create a diagonal line from shoulders to knees. Lower slowly, one vertebra at a time


What is Your Level of Exercise?

Pat yourself on the back when you engage in any exercise.
Each activity whether light, moderate or high intensity expends energy
and is helpful for weight loss as well as a healthy lifestyle.

The more intense
and longer the activity
the greater the impact on weight loss.


A YES answer to any of the questions indicates your current level of intensity.

Light  Intensity: heart rate is 68-to-92 beats per minute.
I did not break a sweat
I was able to talk and sing while exercising
Examples include stretching and leisurely walking.

Moderate Intensity:  heart rate is 93-to-118 beats per minute.
Did you break a sweat after about 10 minutes of continuous exercise?
Did you breath more often and deeper while you were exercising?
I was able to talk but not sing during the exercise.
Examples:  walking at a fast pace or biking

High Intensity:  heart rate is more than 119 beats per minute
I broke into a sweat just a few moments of continuous exercise.
I was breathing more deeply and rapidly.
I was able to speak for a short time but not hold a long conversation.
Examples include jogging, running, competitive swimming, fast pace sports.

Move it to lose it…

Whatever it takes to get us moving…..


Cardio Walk

Turn your walking routine into a cardio workout.  Add intermittent bursts of fast walking. Walk at your usual speed for 3 minutes then add intermittent 1 minute speed bursts for one minute and repeat throughout your walk. Gradually increase the speed and decrease the usual intervals. Also, when possible include a hill or two into your walk as an added challenge.

Trim Your Tummy

‘Use it or lose it.  Strength and coordination decline with age and we’re not in our 20′s forever.  But you can keep yourself conditioned if you exercise regularly.”  James Borchers, MD

Trim Your Tummy

Incorporate working with the ball 2-3 times a week. Using a mat will make this more comfortable.  With the stability ball in your hands lie flat on your back with your arms raised above your head and your legs straight out.  Now bring the ball high above your chest, bring your legs to meet the ball and place it between your ankles.  End this exercise by holding the ball with your legs, bringing it down to the floor and extending your arms straight over your head.  This stretch feels sooo good!

Repetition:  Complete this exercise 10-12 time.
IMPORTANT:   Remember to keep your back pressed down like it is glued to the floor as you move to prevent injury as you move.

Notice: This program or products are not intended to replace the expert advice of a medical practitioner and are not designed to treat diseases of any kind. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. Users of this program or product assume all risk. WeightLossVIllage, Jubilee Enterprises LLC, its owners or any related parties assume no liability of any kind.

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