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Forget about being skinny. Eat well and exercise, the weight will take care of itself!

Good-bye Winter Blues

Are you feeling down in the dumps? After all of the family and fun for the holidays, the winter blues are in full swing.  The weather is freezing and you’re avoiding your New Years Resolution on the daily.  With one in five Americans suffering with the winter blues, we here at Weight Loss Village want to help you get out of your slump. So we have gathered some of the best things you can do to get back to your Happy place!

Take Your Vitamins.  Double up on your vitamin D and add a little melatonin too.  The lack of sun can take a toll on your body, and the long chilly days can put your sleep cycle in the dumps.  If you’re unsure or have questions, be sure to talk to your Doc.

Get Moving.  During the cold winter months, it’s really easy to stay bundled up on the couch watching your favorite shows, snacking on your favorite treats.  Well STOP!! The best thing to fight the winter blues is some good ole’ exercise!  Get that body moving, and remind yourself that an in shape, healthy you is so much FUN.

Get out of here! Remember all the great times you had in the summer?  Well, you can still get out and about this winter… Whether it’s going to the local winery or volunteering at the nearest soup kitchen.  Just get off that couch and GO!! You’ll be so glad you did.

Moisturize like crazy.  The cold weather can cause your skin to become dry, cracked, and irritated.  Be sure to double up on the moisturizer for your skin that is perfume free.  And don’t forget to show your lips some much needed LOVE!

Just remember that you are not the only one suffering from the winter blues.  Reach out to your favorite people and motivate each other to get out of the house and show yourself a little T.L.C. this winter.  Your friends at Weight Loss Village are right here with you!  So come on, let’s show these winter blues that its got nothing on us!

National Popcorn Day – January 19, 2014

Americans eat about 16 billion quarts of popcorn each year (about 51 quarts per person), which makes it one of the most popular snacks in the country. It is also one of the oldest.

Popcorn has been around for centuries.  Popcorn originated in Mexico, but eventually made its way north. In 1948, archaeologists in the state of New Mexico discovered ancient popcorn ears that were at least 5,600 years old! The Native Americans (in both North and South America) popped their corn by throwing it on hot stones over a fire.

Today, we rely heavily on microwaveable popcorn, which was introduced in the 1980s. To celebrate National Popcorn Day, make your favorite kind of popcorn and enjoy it while watching a movie with your friends!

Share your favorite popcorn treats with us below. .

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