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Don’t wait till you reach your goal to enjoy your body

Quick and Easy Acorn Squash

Simple and delicious and my family loves it! 

Slice it in half and scoop out the seeds.
Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of orange juice into the well of each half.
Sprinkle with cracked pepper
Cover and bake 350 degrees for about one hour until soft.


How to Cut a Hard Acorn Squash
Position the squash on a cutting board and carefully use a serrated knife to saw through the touch skin.

Tips To Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

We know we have to eat more fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, but sometimes, that is just plain hard to do!

Here are some quick tips on how to add more servings of fruits and vegetables to your diet.


Tips To Eating Healthy During Holidays

So, that time is here, where temptation in the form of food is all around us! Don’t give in and say you will start over next year! Stay on track with your weight loss plans with these simple tips:

If you need help with your weight loss goals, we are here for you with some great tools to keep you on track.  Check out our Weightloss2Go Mobile App.  Track what you eat, your workouts and weight loss to stay motivated.

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