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You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Fitness Babe Tips

Here are just a few tips to help you get optimum results from your exercise and fitness routine.  Did you know if your heart rate is below or above the recommended target for your gender and age you will be moving but not burning calories or fat?

Fitness Babe - Working Out Weight Lifting should always come first.  Often women start with cardio exercise before weight training.  A drawback of this is that it is possible to miss a significant component of the routine and spend all of it on cardio training. Often the results are less than desired even after long hours at the gym. Reverse the order and see the difference it can make. Trainers agree this reversal guarantees a visible positive outcome.

Monitor Your Heart Rate: I find it helpful to wear a heart monitor devise to keep myself exercising at the suggested rate of 75-85% of the maximum heart rate. When you go below OR above that you are going through the motions but not doing very much good. To ensure you work out at the prescribed target heart rate use a heart monitor you wear or use exercise equipment with this feature.

How Often To Exercise:  20 minutes 3X a week is better than zero. How long to work out is always a question. This should be part of your day you look forward to vs. dreading. Start at 20 minutes and work out for an hour or less. Also focus on the exercise and what you aim to accomplish as this will make the work out session more efficient as you begin to see the results.

Social Support: Fitness social support can be an important element to improve your road to ‘fitness babe’ and should not be underestimated. It is helpful to work out at a gym once in a while if you generally work out at home. Try some classes in activities that have always been interesting such as yoga, Pilates, Zumba, etc. Consider joining a walking club or running club for support.

Pep Talk Yourself. Often an athlete will pump fist during a game to keep motivated. Pep talking yourself can have the same effect for your workouts.“I am a success no matter the challenges I encounter in life.”, ‘I did that and I can do it again’, ‘Yes!’

No Pressure. Remember not to pressure yourself too much. It is best to congratulate yourself and shower yourself with words of encouragement before, during and after exercises.

Positive Feedback. Keep in mind to never overlook giving yourself positive feedback to yourself. Here are a few examples to get you thinking.  ‘I had a great workout today’, ‘You did great today’ ‘I’m proud of you – that was a fantastic workout’ ‘Don’t worry; be happy, because I am closer to success.’‘

Let today be your first day to become a fitness babe. 

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Stay Hydrated to Burn Fat

We all like to watch the number on the scale go down when our goal is to lose weight.  However, it is important you drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day, every day, in order to burn fat and maximize your weight loss.  This cannot be overemphasized enough.  Let me tell you why water helps to burn fat.   I am sure you will all go get a glass or bottle of water after reading this.

TIP:   one large sip of water is equal to about an ounce of water.  For me, it is a tad under an ounce.  When I drink ten sips of water (these are good-size sips) I know I am getting about eight to ten ounces of water and I do not have to measure it out.  Since I aim for at least 120 ounces of water per day (more if I am exercising or playing a sport) this knowledge makes it easy for me to calculate.  Fifteen or twenty sips of water during or before each meal and I am set each day.

Your body’s fat-burning super organ is the liver.  The liver is also a multitasking organ.  When the kidneys need help in the filtration process, they call on the liver for assistance. This is a concern if you want to burn more calories and more body fat.  Every minute the liver spends helping gout the kidneys is one minute the liver is not spending doing its real job which is to help the body burn fat. 

Since the kidneys are assisted tremendously by adequate water intake, the key to keeping this relationship between the liver and kidneys happy is to drink sufficient amounts of water.

You do not have to overdo the water.  You can actually damage your body if you drink too much water at one time.  Spacing water out over the day and getting about one quart for every 50-75 pounds of body weight is absolutely vital to the fat-burning, weight loss process – and that is far less than the average person is drinking.  On the WeightLossVillage program you will be encouraged to drink water in between your meals so that you can take advantage of the fat burning power of water.

For your added enjoyment we suggested drinking infused water

Infused Water to Lose Weight

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